Friday, February 13, 2009

Saigon Scenes

The War Remnants Museum has hundreds of photographs depicting the horrors of war that we inflicted on Vietnam. The image of the USA is appalling to the hundreds of thousands of people that visit it every year. Had we learned something from that sad chapter in our history it could be cathartic to our national psyche. However, 7 years ago every member of the House and Senate voted to give Bush the power to invade Iraq, another tragic involvement that was unjustified. Following are pictures of other parts of the museum that display sophisticated weaponry, symbolizing the folley of our efforts, and a GI in front of burning huts. See other Saigon scenes, including the Unification Palace, formerly known as the Presidential Palace, and the post office, a remnant of the French who also tried to hustle Vietnam.


  1. These look like my dad's photos of Saigon from '62-'63 except everyone wears a helmet now.
